Sinking City #8 issue 8: spring 2020 Letter From the Editor(s) Maeve Holler & Clayre Benzadón "Two If By Sea" by Christopher Woods, 2020. Poetry It Really Came Down David Kunkel Un Rêve Amílcar Peter Sanatan Fishing Jacob Nantz Ode to Sofa Jenica Lodde Two Poems Daniel Romo The Valley of the Latte Danielle P. Williams Out of Reach Jesica Davis The Demise of the Starry Sky Yan An co-translated by Chen Du and Xisheng Chen Two Poems Clair Dunlap Fiction Bears Always Find the First Star of the Night Eisuke Aikawa translated by Toshiya Kamei Old Friends Daniel Elfanbaum Non-fiction The Forests I Have Lost Theophilus Kwek Keep Goin' Myliyah Hanna Reviews And Now You Know the Rest of the Story: a Look Back at The Overstory by Richard Powers Z.L. Nickels